Natalia Vodianova: If you haven’t experienced setbacks, you won’t know how to support others! The life philosophy of Russian supermodel to LVMH fashion group crown princess

Russian elf supermodel Natalia Vodianova went from selling fruits to raise money for her sister’s medical expenses to becoming the crown princess of France’s richest man, LVMH fashion group. The legendary story is like a real version of Cinderella. He was discovered by a talent scout at the age of fifteen. In order to become a model, he had to learn to communicate in English within three months. After becoming a supermodel, he experienced one marriage and ended up with Bernard, the richest man in France and the chairman of LVMH, the world’s largest luxury goods group. Arnault’s son Antoine Arnault fell in love. After giving birth to two children, she announced her engagement in a low-key manner in 2020. She officially married in September and held a low-key wedding. Although she is now the Crown Princess of the LVMH Group, her past childhood experience of poverty has made her know how to cherish it better. , share, not only still work hard after becoming famous, but also make good use of his fame and influence to establish a charity foundation and actively help people in need.




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