Blackpink art director Verdy co-branded the Swatch series of watches, which are trendy and cute and designed to make everyone pack them all!

In addition to creating limited-edition watches for the Venice Art Biennale, Swatch and Blackpink’s royal designer Verdy also presented 4 co-branded watches in one go. Not only did they have the signature character “VICK” and colorful colors, but also his… The creation of my beloved wife is intended to make everyone pack it all!

In addition to creating limited-edition watches for the Venice Art Biennale, Swatch and Blackpink’s royal designer Verdy also presented four joint watches in one go.

Japanese graphic artist and designer Verdy is one of the most high-profile figures in recent times. In addition to serving as the concert artistic director of the band Blackpink, there are many trendy brands waiting to cooperate with him. Swatch had previously served as a partner of the Venice Art Biennale for the seventh time, so it approached Verdy to launch the VICK BRONZE BY VERDY watch. There was also a three-dimensional VICK statue at the exhibition, which became a hot topic of discussion.

Unexpectedly, Swatch soon exposed the complete Verdy co-branded series of watches, seeing the world through his perspective, and conveying the self-concept of being oneself and connecting with the inner child and the most inspired child. Also starting from VICK, like the VICK BY VERDY watch, you can see the rebellious character appearing with a classic black and white color strap. The “A” on VICK’s belly is the focus of the dial, highlighting his love for punk music. The VISTY BY VERDY watch shows the vibrant side of Verdy’s art, which is colorful, fresh and interesting.

Among the watches in the series, the most special one is the GIRLS DON’T CRY BY VERDY watch, which was inspired by Verdy’s creative project dedicated to his beloved wife. It has a transparent appearance with a white logo all over the strap, and the dial is decorated with a heart-shaped pattern, echoing the theme. The love of a beloved wife. In addition, the WASTED YOUTH BY VERDY watch is a message of encouragement that he wants to pass on to the next generation. Verdy launched this project to express his love for punk and skateboard culture.


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