Telegram founder Durov looks like this! The Russian hunk CEO is involved in controversy. IG is the only luxury sports brand!

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, was reportedly arrested. He was restricted from leaving the country by the French police and temporarily released on bail of 5 million euros. The reason is that Telegram has long been transformed from a communication software into a platform for illegal activities. Durov considered as a key subject of investigation. Because of this controversy, many people really know that the founder behind the Telegram software is actually a young billionaire under the age of 40. He often shares vacation photos and body photos on IG, and was once rated as a handsome and rich man by netizens. One, and the whole event gained more attention!

Introduction by Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram

Pavel Durov’s birthday is October 10, 1984. He was born in St. Petersburg during the Soviet period. His father is a Russian linguistics professor and his mother is a Ukrainian professor. Born into such a family background, Durov was also talented since he was a child and even attended St. Petersburg State University in college. Durov also has an older brother, Nikolai, both of whom are programmers.

Today, Durov is a French citizen. On the other hand, he is also resident in the United Arab Emirates and also holds UAE citizenship.

Before Telegram, Durov and his brother had already founded VKontakte (VK), known as the “Russian version of Facebook” in 2006. It is a very popular social networking site in Slavic-speaking countries. After being forced to resign as CEO of VK due to internal disputes, Durov and his brother started over again and developed Telegram in 2013. It became popular as soon as it was launched, even surpassing VK, and is widely used around the world.

Because of the success of these two platforms, Durov has entered the billionaire club and is permanently ranked among the top 30 richest people in Russia.

Telegram founder Durov’s IG all-black outfit becomes his signature
Long before the controversy broke out, Durov was often included in lists of handsome men and rich men because he was sparking discussions with his appearance and figure. On his IG (when not posting body photos), he also wears all-black presidential style as his signature, using a full black suit and black leather shoes to convey his image concisely and powerfully.

At a forum, Durov paired a turtleneck sweater with a hooded suit vest, balancing the professional tone and personal style required for such a semi-formal occasion.

Although he always wears all-black formal suits, Durov is good at adding visual richness through style changes. For example, a suit jacket without a collar piece can also be regarded as a modified Middle Eastern-style suit, making it easy to stand out among standard suits. .

Telegram founder Durov wears veteran sports boutique Bogner on ski vacation
In Durov’s all-black outfit, he rarely reveals the obvious boutique logo or presbyopic Monogram. It can be said that he implements low-key luxury quite thoroughly. The only time I wore a brand with its logo exposed was when I chose the European lifestyle luxury brand Bogner during a ski vacation. Bogner is a luxury brand originated in Munich. It has been established for more than 90 years since its establishment in 1932. It is most famous for its ski sportswear. It has even cooperated with the 007 series of movies and became the “Pound’s royal” ski wear!



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